Looking back on this list that I wrote on my last birthday, it is obvious that I wrote this while unemployed. It is extensive and gradiose. I didn't have a clue about the train that was about to hit head-on. I'm glad to check off some of these things, but many of them are just being transferred to this year's list.
- Bike a 50+ mile ride. I made it to 35 a couple of times, but I still haven't found a regular routine, making 50 a challenge. [Read more.] [And more.]
- Make our bed more often than not. I was really good about this before I got a job. Not so good afterwards. But I do love a making the bed...it's like fixing up a treat for yourself to enjoy later in the day.
- Plan and take an awesome vacation. Well, I've planned, but theoretically we won't be leaving for Seattle until after my birthday. But it's only one week away!! [Read more.]
- Get a teaching job. Check! And there went the rest of my year. [Read more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And finally.]
- Plan and host a party at our house. Well, I had my extended family over for dinner one night. I still want to have a real "party" though. [Read more.]
- Learn to like Diet Coke. I tried, I promise. I spent several months mixing the good with the bad. But eventually, I just quit resisting. I did go Caffeine Free for a while, and I even went water only. But I needed the caffeine boost halfway through the day. My one vice. So sue me.
- Organize a scrapbook of our engagement and wedding preparations. Nope. I started but didn't get very far.
- Switch to reusable feminine hygiene products--maybe TMI, but it's on the list nevertheless. I won't go into detail, but yes, I made the switch. If you're interested, I can tell you what I think.
- Take a craft class or workshop. Well, I went to Mommy Sewing Camp 2010 a couple of weeks ago. Does that count? [Read more.]
- Learn to effectively use our digital SLR camera. Mama and I held Shutter School through September. But we will definitely have to pick that up again.... at some point. [Read more.]
- Start the teacher certification process. Yes, and getting a job was the first part. At this point, I've taken the two classes that I need (IDEA and Reading Instruction) and am halfway through my summer seminar. If I can get everything done in a timely fashion, I might be able to get out in a year. Fingers crossed... [Read more.]
- Collect stories from family and friends about my dad. This is a must-do for this summer. Callie, are you in? I'm just afraid we will lose too many stories if we wait.
- Organize photos from this year into an album. Nope. They're all on the hard drive.
- Fix up the extra bedroom so that it's cozy for guests. Only if you count a futon and a wide variety of extra furniture.
- Write letters and cards to faraway friends and family. I got a couple out. But what I am proud of is that I recently sent cards to some of my most inspirational teachers, thanking them for inspiring me to return to the classroom to make a difference in other students' lives.
- Work on my grandparents' biographies. This project is big and intimidating, and most importantly, I really want to do it right.
- Improve my tennis game. Nada.
- Make the most of the gift of Callie and Jordan living less than 45 minutes away. It seems I might have had a bit of clairvoyance in this endeavor, since Callie and Jordan lived here for just 6 short months. Regularly though, Rob or I will say, "I wish they were here. They would have fun doing this with us." Everything from hiking the parks to enjoying our new favorite yogurt spot. [Read more.] [And more.] [And more.]
- Explore Gwinnett County and all it has to offer. We love the Gwinnett County parks. We're there almost every weekend. I have fallen in love with the little town of Dacula. It feels safe. [See more.]
- Make 2 new friends. This was a stretch when I wrote it, but I'm thrilled to say that I've made one really close friend and a wide range of teacher friends, both at my school and through my education classes. [Read more.]
- Join the Georgia State Park Canyon Climbers Club. 3 down, 1 to go. This year we did Amicalola Falls and Providence Canyon. [Read more.] [And more.]
- Incorporate one new fruit into my weekly menu. Not weekly, but Rob's got me reaching for bites of his mango when he slices one up.
- Make something special for my new niece or nephew. Nephew!! I made a couple of cute onesies for Christmas!! Definitely need to see him soon. Can you believe he is almost 6 months old?!?!? [See more.]
- Come up with and stick to some kind of housecleaning routine. Hahahaha.... however, I have to admit, while my brain was fried, it was actually easier to clean than to be creative.
- Document this list. Some of the interesting stuff got posted here. Some of it didn't.
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