Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's a ...

"Snips and snails, And puppy-dogs' tails, That's what little boys are made of."

I left you hanging the other day, waiting for the big news... which will it be?

Well... Rob and I are excited to announce that we are expecting a baby boy, due at the very end of January 2015! Everything looked wonderful at our 20-week appointment yesterday! [The news is just too good not to shout from the rooftops (aka, every social media platform)!]

After every doctor's visit, we've celebrated with a doughnut (or two!). Yesterday was no exception...

We had something extra special to celebrate this time!

Krispy Kreme even had the light on for us. Nothing beats a hot, fresh glazed doughnut...


Can't wait to meet you, Baby Boy!!


Want to print some "It's a boy" or "It's a girl" cupcake flags for your own celebration? Just right-click the image below and choose Save As...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Which will it be?

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart."
-Mandy Harrison

In the spirit of this post by Elizabeth Ivie and in honor of finding out Baby B's gender this week (fingers crossed that baby cooperates!), here's our own little guessing game:

  • Carrying high or carrying low? High means GIRL
  • Baby's heart rate under or over 140 beats per minute? Over means GIRL
  • Not much nausea or lots of nausea? Lots of nausea means GIRL (although I never actually got sick, so does that count?)
  • Craving meat or fruit? Meat means BOY 
  • Pregnant abdomen all front or out side to side? Belly all front means BOY
  • Feet colder or warmer than before pregnancy? Warmed means GIRL
  • The Chinese gender prediction test says GIRL when you use the dates based on the Chinese lunar year
  • During the "ring test," the ring swings in a circle or the ring swings side to side? Around and around means BOY

Rob is convinced that Baby B is a girl. He sends me sweet texts like, "How are my girls doing today?" and even calls "her" by the girl's name we have picked out. I think that he will be completely shocked if we see anything between the legs!

I, on the other hand, am less sure. I find the pronoun "he" coming out of my mouth as often as "she." At this point I think I would be more comfortable with a girl (I grew up in a house of girls!), but since I was a kid, I wanted to raise rough and tumble boys.


Given all of the "evidence," do you think Baby B is a girl or a boy?

What is the shape of your pregnant abdomen?
According to many myths, belly all front could come from this baby being a boy.
- See more at:
How pointy is your bump?
According to myths, it's more likely a girl if you carry high.
- See more at:

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nursery Fabrics

"To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited."
-Anne Buchanan

My mom planned to visit for Labor Day weekend. And, knowing that this might be the only time she's at my house before Baby B is here, I really wanted to take advantage of her sewing expertise and get started on the nursery.

A new sewing project means one thing... a trip to Mary Jo's Cloth Store. I headed up to Gastonia (only an hour and a half from my house) one Saturday afternoon with the goal of gathering fabric swatches in a couple of color schemes.

Mary Jo's Cloth Store... the fabric mecca of the Southeast

We wouldn't know Baby B's gender for a few more weeks, so I wanted to start with a gender-neutral base. (Even if we did know, I don't think we'd go over-the-top girly or boyish anyway!)

Two and a half hours later, I had collected three sets of fabrics. However, before I even got home, I had already narrowed it down to the top two contenders. Take a look!

Would it be Option A? The modern woodland theme?

Dancing Commas | Color Scheme A
[clockwise: Riley Blake Boy Stripes Orange | Riley Blake Scenic Critters Blue | Riley Blake Boy Swirls Aqua | Michael Miller Tile Pile Dirt | Michael Miller Garden Pindot Clem]

Or would it be Option B? The graphic feather theme?

Dancing Commas | Color Scheme B
[clockwise: Michael Miller Birds of a Feather Quill | Micheal Miller Clown Stripe Limeade | Michael Miller Garden Pindot Clem | Michael Miller Dino Roars Stitch | Michael Miller Diddly Dot Sky]

I gave myself two weeks to decide before my mom came to town and we could go back to purchase the full yardage. Although I (and everyone else that I asked) was originally leaning towards Color Scheme A, halfway through I started to second-guess myself.

Any guesses as to which direction I chose?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nursery Dreams

"Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be."
-Carrie Fisher

Baby = A nursery to decorate... surely I'm not the only one to do this math immediately after finding out they're pregnant?!?

I've been saving ideas for Baby B's room since before Baby B was even a realistic idea. They were once stored on my Someday Pinterest board, but I've since moved them to a secret Baby B's Room board. I'll probably make them public again in a few months, but until then, here are a few of the ideas that have sparked my creativity.

Dancing Commas | Nursery Dreams
1. My Bella Bug |  2. Playtype Concept Store by leuchtend grau | 3. The Alison Show | 4. The Little Umbrella

Dancing Commas | Nursery Dreams
5. Going Home to Roost | 6. enJOY it by Elise Cripe | 7. A Beautiful Mess | 8. Minted: Julep | 9. Children Inspire Design

Dancing Commas | Nursery Dreams
10. Elements of Style | 11. Poppytalk | 12. Life in Bridgetown | 13. 100 Layer Cakelet | 14. Little Lovely

Dancing Commas | Nursery Dreams
15. 100 Layer Cakelet | 16. Project Nursery | 17. Statshem via My Ideal Home | 18. Little Green Notebook

I'm inspired by a color scheme here and a piece of furniture there, a graphic print here and a room layout there.

Can't wait to show you the direction we choose!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sharing the baby news...

"Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!"
-Albert Einstein

[In the spirit of the following post and upon reflection of this post from Young House Love this week, I offer my thoughts about blogging... The beauty of authentic blogging is that it is organic, ever-changing, and able to keep up with what's fresh and current in the individual blogger's world. I hate when bloggers apologize for "off-topic" blog posts. A blog is a chronicle of the writer's life, and life doesn't always follow script (or mission statements and business plans). My feelings aren't hurt when a favorite blogger "strays" from their usual topics, even when I choose to stop following so fervently. I'm evolving, they're evolving... I wish them the best of luck on this crazy journey. END RANT!]

Baby fever is certainly where my head and heart are these days, and therefore that is the direction my blog is headed, at least for this season....

I've heard people say that they knew they were pregnant at the moment of conception, and several months ago, I wondered how you could possibly be sure. But, then, I myself had a feeling. By the end of May, I finally had the proof I needed in the double-pink lines on two home pregnancy tests.

Inspired by this pregnancy announcement idea from They Call Me Smudge, I whipped up a special card to share the news with Rob. When I handed the envelope over to him at lunch, he was a little confused, thinking it might be an early birthday gift. But, as soon as he opened it up, a huge grin spread across his face.

Dancing Commas :: Pregnancy announcement

We waited a few more weeks to tell our families, choosing to send each of our moms a surprise package. Keeping with the tri-fold layout and inspired by this "Priceless" announcement on Dating Divas, I created a card with a photo from our summer vacation and the ultrasound photo. I wrapped it all up with a note that read, "There's a story behind this gift, so call me before you open."

Dancing Commas :: Pregnancy announcement
Dancing Commas :: Pregnancy announcement

And, then I stalked the USPS package tracker website waiting for the gifts to arrive at their destinations. We were able to FaceTime with both of our moms, as we shared the news. Isn't technology grand?!?! My mom was totally surprised, while Rob's mom swears she knew (she says I had a baby bump on vacation... at 7.5 weeks... I think not!)... but both were thrilled!

Neither was expecting a "close-up," but these expressions couldn't get any better!

We then called our sisters... well, actually we texted them the ultrasound photo while talking to them on the phone. (I repeat, I love technology!) Callie had figured it out... apparently my "call me when you're out of church" text was not as sneaky as I thought... she called me in between church gatherings to hear the news, and then had to call back later in the afternoon to get the full scoop! Stephanie, on the other hand, was completely caught off guard while shopping with the boys, but was so excited that she bought baby clothes as soon as she hung up with us.

We waited until reaching the second trimester to spread the news to the rest of our friends. Rob sent a few texts to faraway friends, and I made a few announcements to local ones, but mostly we just waited for the news to spread. At this point, my growing belly and ever-increasing maternity clothes wardrobe seem to be speaking for themselves.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Announcing the upcoming arrival of Baby B...

"A grand adventure is about to begin." 
-attributed to Winnie the Pooh

Yup! Rob and I are expecting a baby early in 2015. Although the road to baby has been a bit bumpy at times, this summer we have been blessed with a growing belly and a growing family.

I'm currently 18 weeks along, and the thought of how different our life will be in five short months fills me equally with joy and panic. Bowing to my Type A tendencies, I've started lists upon lists... nursery ideas, registry essentials, childcare options, fabric possibilities, childbirth resources... but I'm also trying to embrace the uncertainties and imperfections of pregnancy and motherhood.

After our loss in November, we have been cautiously excited since seeing the double pink lines on the pregnancy test back in May. However, it gets more real each day. I'm quickly outgrowing my regular clothes, I've started touring daycares and exploring childcare options, we've scheduled the appointment to learn Baby B's gender (just two more weeks!), and this weekend while my mom was in town, we got a headstart decorating the nursery.

I'm sure that there will be more updates to come as we continue this adventure...

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