Thursday, July 17, 2014

On the project to-do list...

"There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do."
-Bill Watterson

I've got a big project in the works (hope to share more towards the end of next week...). But in the couple of weeks before that kicks off full force, I'm hoping to scratch a few projects off of my never-ending to-do list.

A couple of projects that I've dreamed about for years, bought the supplies for, dedicated a good amount of brainpower to, but have yet to accomplish...

And, maybe if I post the list for all to see... maybe, just maybe I'll actually get to them.

  1. Modern house numbers :: I've bought the numbers and always have some stain stored away. Need to pick up the paint sticks and get to it! [Idea and image from 4 Men 1 Lady]
  2. Gallery wall in the foyer :: I've got a stack of frames sitting in the dining room. I just need to get over the fear of putting holes in the wall. I can always figure out what goes in the frames later. [Image from The Design Files Daily]
  3. Project Life photo book :: I kept up with my digital Project Life spreads of my 30th year until April. In the last couple of weeks I've been trying to work my way backward to fill in the gaps. I really want to get this done and printed well before my next birthday. [More Project Life posts]
  4. Date with the Genius Bar :: With plans to start grad school this fall, I want to make sure that my laptop is in full working order before I begin. Hopefully the Mac geniuses can help me update my software, set up a back-up process, and generally optimize my system. [Make an appointment with the Genius Bar]

Friday, July 04, 2014

Kicking off Elise's Kickstarter campaign...

"Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich."
-Sarah Bernhardt

Although I've been intrigued by the idea of Kickstarter, I've never actually supported a campaign until this week. I'm thrilled to put my money and my support behind a close friend of mine, Elise Erikson Barrett, who is raising money for her "first full-length album rich in folk and classical influences."

In the two short years that I have known her, Elise has made a great impact on my life. She volunteered to help me lead VBS, and she serves as my worship leader and pastor's wife (although she herself is a pastor, too). But more importantly, she has been a confidante, a teacher, and a close friend who always asks "how is your heart?" and then really listens to the answer.

I know she's got something good to share with the world. I'm so thrilled to have a chance to help her dream come true.

Don't you want to be a part of this project? She's halfway to her goal, and the month has just begun!! Donate here. (If you're unfamiliar with Kickstarter, the project will only funded... you will only pay... if she reaches her goal by the deadline.)


**After exploring the Kickstarter site, the designer/creative in me sees how supporting these projects could be a little addicting.

**Interesting article about why there are so many wallet concepts being explored on Kickstarter.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Oh this trip... Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains

Oops! I realized I never actually posted this. I'm back-dating it, but don't get confused if it shows up in your blog reader out of order :)

"The beauty and charm of the wilderness are his for the asking, for the edges of the wilderness lie close beside the beaten roads of the present travel."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Considering how this vacation came about and the chaos created as we learned the specific details of the plans, Rob and I were very uncertain about how it might turn out. All of my in-laws (with big, yet highly sensitive personalities) staying in one house for a whole week for the first time had the potential to be explosive. We were very apprehensive as headed toward East Tennessee last Sunday.

As we look back at the week from the other side, Rob and I can both admit that we would consider it a successful trip, although we would not exactly call it a relaxing vacation. We were able to squeeze in many wonderful moments with each other and with Rob's family, and that certainly helps balance out a couple of stressful situations or the fact that I had very little patience all week for disruptive, disrespectful children and negative, whiny conversations.

Highlights of the trip include:
  • Getting out on the trail with Rob ... we tackled two long hikes: 8 miles to Ramsey Cascades (plus a shorter hike to Grotto Falls) on Monday and 14 miles to LeConte Lodge via the Rainbow Falls Trail and Rocky Spur on Thursday
  • Watching the kids swim and paddle around the river that lay right out the back door
  • Eating some really yummy food: delicious wood-fired pizza at Big Daddy's Pizzeria, amazing pancakes at Crockett's Breakfast Camp, lunch at No Way Jose's Mexican Restaurant, and apple fritters at the Lumberjack Feud, in addition to grilling out for dinners back at the cabin
  • Hiking with Rob's mom and his sister's family to Laurel Falls ... they're not big hikers, but they made it all the way!
  • Hanging out and getting to know Rob's cousins and their families ... at the Aquarium of the Smokies, walking around downtown Gatlinburg, and just hanging out at the house
  • Watching the family enjoy the Lumberjack Feud ... the older nephew originally said that he didn't want to go, but ended up having a great time ... the younger nephew started using his silverware as a chainsaw ... Rob's grandpa even had a good time, too
  • Meeting up with Rob's mom as she enjoyed browsing the Arts and Crafts Loop
  • Playing putt putt with Rob's cousins in the air conditioning 

More photos posted on Flickr... click here

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