Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Crafternoon Project #3: No-sew T-shirt Scarf

"There's great satisfaction in seeing a thing take shape and form under one's hands, especially if they are made from oddments into something worthwhile."
-Nella Last,
Nella Last's War

The Crafternoon project with the trickiest directions was the No-sew T-shirt Scarf. I positioned myself near this station throughout the afternoon, so that I could walk everybody through the steps and help them with the tedious cutting. If you find the written directions below confusing, check out this similar tutorial with photos from Max & Me Designs.

Even though the steps seem complicated at first, everybody was thrilled with how these scarves turned out. Many people mentioned that they were going to make more for teacher gifts and friend gifts. It's the perfect mindless activity to do with a football game or movie going on in the background.

No-sew T-shirt Scarf
What you need:
  • Extra-large t-shirt with no words/graphics below the armpits
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue and glue sticks
What you do:
  1. Cut T-shirt in a straight line, just below the sleeves.
  2. Cut off the bottom hem.
  3. Cut the remaining rectangle into 16 strips... I found it best to cut in half four times.
  4. Set one of the loops aside.
  5. Stretch the loops... they stretch better if you do them one-by-one, but make sure they stay about the same length.
  6. Cut the loop you set aside into five equal pieces.
  7. Tie one of the 5 pieces tightly around the15 loops.
  8. Cut this bunch of15 loops close to the knot, leaving enough room so that the strands don’t come loose. [It should look like a long ponytail.]
  9. Separate the 15 strands into three groups and braid down from the knot... Braid doesn’t have to be super tight. You probably want to braid almost halfway.
  10. Tie another of the short pieces tightly at the end of the braid.
  11. Untangle the strands and gather the ends... tie another of the short pieces around the loose ends.
  12. Cover the ends with hot glue and then push them together.
  13. Take a short wide strip and wrap it around one of the knots. Adhere with hot glue. Repeat for other knot.


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