Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013... momentum

"'Momentum,' she repeats. 'You can't just stand there if you want something to fly. You have to run.” 
-Lauren DeStefano, Fever

I'm beginning 2013 in a good place mentally, physically, spiritually... I have found a healthy balance between a job that I love, a home that Rob and I have built together, and even a little community where I can thrive. 

This year I want to continue moving forward, embracing more of the opportunities that life presents. This is the year to make progress on a lot of things that I've put off, felt not ready for, or been too scared to attempt before.

For the third year in a row, I am inspired by Ali Edwards's "One Little Word" concept... and this year, I've chosen the word "momentum" to ponder throughout 2013. [Previous years - 2011: gratitude | 2012: create]

Thanks to some extra Christmas cash, I've splurged on the online workshop this year as well. I'm excited to see where this year and this word takes me. If nothing else, it should be an adventure.


  1. Okay, your word all looking like an arrow moving forward? Genius. I love it.

    1. Thanks! I'm of the philosophy that every great endeavor deserves a great graphic :) However, maybe that's just an excuse to get a little designer-y...


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