"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all of his limbs but his push-button finger."
-Frank Lloyd Wright
After saving our money and selling our wares, Rob and I ventured out Friday evening to purchase our new iPhones. We stopped by the ATT store, but their inventory was already accounted for. So, we went across the street to the Apple store in the mall. An hour and a half, a Chick-fil-a dinner standing up, and about fifty customers later, we giddily walked out of the store, two 16G iPhones (one white, one black) in hand.
We're always in the know about new technology, but we're rarely first adopters. So, we're thrilled to finally join the iPhone community. We came home straight away to start downloading new apps and customizing it to our preferences. We were entertained by them as we waited in line at the final REI scratch and dent sale of the season. And, we used them to find a place to eat last night, as well as the hours of operation at the local park. If only I could learn to recognize my ringtone!!!