Thursday, June 17, 2010

Checking in on MY LIST

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." -Mark Twain

Looking back on this list that I wrote on my last birthday, it is obvious that I wrote this while unemployed. It is extensive and gradiose. I didn't have a clue about the train that was about to hit head-on. I'm glad to check off some of these things, but many of them are just being transferred to this year's list.
  1. Bike a 50+ mile ride. I made it to 35 a couple of times, but I still haven't found a regular routine, making 50 a challenge. [Read more.] [And more.]
  2. Make our bed more often than not. I was really good about this before I got a job. Not so good afterwards. But I do love a making the's like fixing up a treat for yourself to enjoy later in the day.
  3. Plan and take an awesome vacation. Well, I've planned, but theoretically we won't be leaving for Seattle until after my birthday. But it's only one week away!! [Read more.]
  4. Get a teaching job. Check! And there went the rest of my year. [Read more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And more.] [And finally.]
  5. Plan and host a party at our house. Well, I had my extended family over for dinner one night. I still want to have a real "party" though. [Read more.]
  6. Learn to like Diet Coke. I tried, I promise. I spent several months mixing the good with the bad. But eventually, I just quit resisting. I did go Caffeine Free for a while, and I even went water only. But I needed the caffeine boost halfway through the day. My one vice. So sue me.
  7. Organize a scrapbook of our engagement and wedding preparations. Nope. I started but didn't get very far.
  8. Switch to reusable feminine hygiene products--maybe TMI, but it's on the list nevertheless. I won't go into detail, but yes, I made the switch. If you're interested, I can tell you what I think.
  9. Take a craft class or workshop. Well, I went to Mommy Sewing Camp 2010 a couple of weeks ago. Does that count? [Read more.]
  10. Learn to effectively use our digital SLR camera. Mama and I held Shutter School through September. But we will definitely have to pick that up again.... at some point. [Read more.]
  11. Start the teacher certification process. Yes, and getting a job was the first part. At this point, I've taken the two classes that I need (IDEA and Reading Instruction) and am halfway through my summer seminar. If I can get everything done in a timely fashion, I might be able to get out in a year. Fingers crossed... [Read more.]
  12. Collect stories from family and friends about my dad. This is a must-do for this summer. Callie, are you in? I'm just afraid we will lose too many stories if we wait.
  13. Organize photos from this year into an album. Nope. They're all on the hard drive.
  14. Fix up the extra bedroom so that it's cozy for guests. Only if you count a futon and a wide variety of extra furniture.
  15. Write letters and cards to faraway friends and family. I got a couple out. But what I am proud of is that I recently sent cards to some of my most inspirational teachers, thanking them for inspiring me to return to the classroom to make a difference in other students' lives.
  16. Work on my grandparents' biographies. This project is big and intimidating, and most importantly, I really want to do it right.
  17. Improve my tennis game. Nada.
  18. Make the most of the gift of Callie and Jordan living less than 45 minutes away. It seems I might have had a bit of clairvoyance in this endeavor, since Callie and Jordan lived here for just 6 short months. Regularly though, Rob or I will say, "I wish they were here. They would have fun doing this with us." Everything from hiking the parks to enjoying our new favorite yogurt spot. [Read more.] [And more.] [And more.]
  19. Explore Gwinnett County and all it has to offer. We love the Gwinnett County parks. We're there almost every weekend. I have fallen in love with the little town of Dacula. It feels safe. [See more.]
  20. Make 2 new friends. This was a stretch when I wrote it, but I'm thrilled to say that I've made one really close friend and a wide range of teacher friends, both at my school and through my education classes. [Read more.]
  21. Join the Georgia State Park Canyon Climbers Club. 3 down, 1 to go. This year we did Amicalola Falls and Providence Canyon. [Read more.] [And more.]
  22. Incorporate one new fruit into my weekly menu. Not weekly, but Rob's got me reaching for bites of his mango when he slices one up.
  23. Make something special for my new niece or nephew. Nephew!! I made a couple of cute onesies for Christmas!! Definitely need to see him soon. Can you believe he is almost 6 months old?!?!? [See more.]
  24. Come up with and stick to some kind of housecleaning routine. Hahahaha.... however, I have to admit, while my brain was fried, it was actually easier to clean than to be creative.
  25. Document this list. Some of the interesting stuff got posted here. Some of it didn't.

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