Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lucky Duck

“I ain't nothing but a winner.”
-Paul Bryant

At my office I’m know as the “go-to-girl” for writing. I’m not totally convinced that it’s because I’m the best writer around, but I am pretty certain that I’m the only one who’s willing (and capable) of actually sitting down to write something intelligent.

Thus, I’m the one who manages competition entries for products that we’ve launched. I’ve done this for at least 3 competitions each year. And every time competition time rolls around, the upper management weighs our options, whether the time/financial obligation is worth it, considering we don’t really have a history of winning.

However, my luck might be changing. We were notified this morning that one of my most recent entries actually won its category for the Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA)!!
It really is a cool product: a surgical tool used for Brachytherapy treatment of prostate cancer. And not only did I just write answer the entry questions, but I also designed some of the graphics on the device.


  1. Congrats!!! How did you forget to tell me this?? That's awesome!

  2. That's amazing!!!! And you said nothing special happened this week!!! I'll have to tell David about this new device, since prostate cancer is his specialty.
