Monday, February 25, 2008


“A strong marriage is based on commitment. A strong marriage has passion and understanding.”
-Howard Martin

Rob and I spent most of the weekend with two of our friends from school. Rob worked with them in the Housing Department for two years. A and Z have dated for a little over a year, but we’ve never really hung out with them as a couple before. We went out to a pub Friday night, and then they came back to our apartment where they wanted to watch the slideshow of all 650 wedding photos. Then on Saturday we went shoe shopping and then spent the evening up at the outlets in North Georgia.

Rob has decided that he really enjoys hanging out with “couples,” and told me this several times over the weekend. I’d have to agree with him. It’s fun to watch the different personalities of people interact, as well as the personalities of the pairs.

It was very interesting listening to A and Z talk about their futures, especially through the wedding slideshow. They both spoke about how much they enjoyed our party, and how they would like to incorporate some of our details into their own someday. But they never said anything the whole weekend about marrying each other--it was always some unknown person of the future.

Now after a year of dating, if Rob had mentioned marrying someone other than me, I would have given him quite a look. We were already talking about being married and sharing a future together, even though we were still just having fun in school.

On Saturday night as we curled up in bed after our fun-filled day, Rob whispered, “I’m so glad we’re married. I can’t even remember what it was like not have that commitment.” Amen to that.

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