Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Team "B"

“If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it.”
-Priscilla Welch

Last fall, Rob and I had gotten in a good routine of power walking every Sunday afternoon. We had a couple of favorite spots around the city, and we would walk and talk for about 6 miles each weekend. That was, until it got cold. Then we became lazy bums.

That doesn’t sit well with Rob. Running is in his blood. He ran cross-country in high school, and regularly ran a route around campus through college. So last night, we started a new exercise routine. With his new work hours, we can eat a light dinner early in the evening and let it settle for a few hours. Right before bed we can work out in the gym at our apartment complex. And then after a quick shower, we can put on our pjs on and hop into bed.

I did pretty well for my first workout in a long while. Walked fast, and even ran for a bit. At one points, I was going even faster than Rob!! I’m sure he would give some excuse like, “That was for about 20 seconds before my program ratcheted up to 9.5 miles per hour at a 5 degree incline.” Or perhaps he would sit down to do some math, saying “My average speed was 7.5 miles per hour, while yours was just 4.2.” But between you and me, I was faster than him, at least for 20 seconds!!

And just when I resigned myself to accepting that I was a walker, not a runner, Rob has decided that our fitness goal will be to get our family Turkey Trot time to 45 minutes. Let me clarify, so that our combined times (mine + his) is less than 45 minutes! He thinks it’s a lofty goal, I think he’s crazy! Luckily, we do have10 months until Turkey Trot time. And I’ve checked into the Couch to 5K running program and may use their fitness plan as a guide. They say I will be able to run a 5K in just 9 weeks. And then I can just work on my speed. We’ll just have to see about that.

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