Saturday, October 01, 2011

Getting my craft on...

"I'm a material girl - want to see my fabric collection?"
-Author Unknown

I know what you're thinking... You watched the tour of my apartment and then a couple of weeks later you saw this awesome blanket that I made... But you don't remember seeing a sewing machine... you wonder where in the world did I create that?

I'd hate to leave you in the dark any longer, so let me tell you the story. A couple of weeks ago I had a really downer week (this unemployment/job-searching/sitting-around-the-house/not-spending-money-we-don't-have thing is harder than it looks), and Rob made the suggestion that I drive down to Buford to bring my sewing machine back up. I took advantage of having a day off and did just that.

I filled my car with craft supplies and brought them back to our humble abode.

Fortunately/unfortunately, my freelance gig really picked up the next week, and so I haven't had much time to really get my craft on yet. But I've got big plans...

Here's a pic of my new space. (You can see my old craft room here.)

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