Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gratitude, Week 3...

"God calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
-Frederick Buechner

Another week down. Another week closer to Spring Break. Another week closer to summer. I'm exhausted. I'm losing motivation. I'm simply running out of steam. There were good moments this week, but they were few and far between. Although I remain grateful, it was difficult to remain optimistic and enthusiastic.

March 15: Study session over lunch. Instead of the usual make-up work detention I usually hold on Tuesdays, I decided to have a volunteer study session before the nine weeks interim. I had seven students stay with me, and we were able to review some of the most confusing concepts. Not sure that they learned a whole lot, but it’s always refreshing to see students who WANT to do well.

March 16: An inspiring email in my inbox. I look forward to the weekly quote from Compendium, Inc., and this week it seemed to be sent just for me: “God calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.” -Frederick Buechner. I’m still looking for that place, but the promise that there is such a place leaves me hopeful.

March 17: Last day to teach an extra class. All nine weeks I’ve been teaching a math extracurricular class in addition to the other four classes. While it really wasn’t too difficult and I got paid for my effort, I’ll be really glad to get my planning periods back!

March 18: That they threw out that awful question on the 3rd nine weeks Interim. It raised my class averages. I’m ahead of the county average, and pretty darn close to the school average. 36 students who made 80% or greater! I say that’s worth celebrating.

March 19: Blueberry muffins and country music for breakfast. Give me a break... I was in the mood. And it was good!

March 20: My husband in the kitchen. Tonight we made turkey bacon club sandwiches together. He taught me the “correct” way to make a sandwich, and plated our food like true stylist in preparation for the Iron Chef Sisters photos. It certainly didn’t hurt that our sandwiches had avocados on them!

March 21: A box of Peeps hanging out in my car. Even though I planned to have this sweet treat waiting for me at the end of the day, it was still a nice surprise. Colored sprinkles and marshmallow bunnies are one of the best parts of spring.

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