Monday, March 14, 2011

Gratitude, Week 2...

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
-Thornton Wilder

Although the plan was to photograph the things I'm grateful for, I'm finding it difficult to realize I'm grateful for something until I reflect on it later. And, I'm just not feeling creative enough to stop and focus long enough to capture an artistic photo; I'm actually feeling more inspired to write the words, and for that itself, I am grateful.

This past week, I'm grateful for...
March 8: The opportunity to make a difference. Tonight was the Basketball Banquet at school, and as co-sponsor of the dance team, I was in attendance. Although not the top way to spend my evening, it was refreshing to celebrate these students. I am proud to have been a part.

March 9: A glimmer of hope in the classroom management situation. In the classroom today I was consistent with the consequences, and I could see, feel and hear the difference in my classes’ attentions. Maybe I can do this. Too bad the concept I taught today was so esoteric, and really not that important.

March 10: Food on the table, and a husband who loves how I cook. Granted, tonight’s meal was inspired by Iron Chef Sisters, so it was a notch above the usual fare in our house. Although sometimes I feel less-than-adequate in the cooking department, my husband rarely expresses his disapproval. He is always grateful for the food on the table. 

March 11: The relative safety, health, and security of my friends and family. Early this morning an 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami destroyed Japan. The video footage is horrific: automobiles pouring off of roads, boats crashing into buildings. Makes me want to hug those whom I love a little bit closer today. 

March 12: Reliving wonderful vacations. Tonight Rob and I went to dinner at Atlanta Bread Company--although nearby, its not in our usual repertoire of restaurants. In the corner of the bakery, with live music floating around us, we took turns remembering our favorite meals, our scariest moments, our best memories from the amazing trips we’ve taken together.

March 13: Relaxing breaks from school. I finished my lesson planning last week, and the weather was just right this morning, so I headed outside to work on the front flowerbed. I have to admit I really have no idea what I’m doing as I’ve trimming the bushes, pulling weeds, and tidying up the garden. But I love doing it. All of the stress disappears... I can’t think of anything except what I’m working on... And, I feel productive. Maybe I need to pursue this more. 

March 14: My sister and her dedication to making the world a better place. I’ve always been grateful for my sister, but I was specifically thankful for her this morning as I was listening to one of my students talk about the pros and cons of leaving his foster home to return home. He didn’t feel like anyone was going to listen to his opinion, without him having to speak out against his family. The link: my sister is currently going through training to become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) to speak out for children’s (like my student’s) best interest. I wish my student had an advocate like her.

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