Monday, October 11, 2010

In a heartbeat...

"No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Every Sunday for the last six weeks (minus one in the middle when it was raining) Rob and I have trekked down to Tech to watch Rob's old residents play their last season of intramurals flag football. We've been cheering on this team for four years, and we've watched them become pretty darn good. They even made us shirts to match the team's--(the name on Rob's back is "Coach"). Feeling guilty about missing their last game, Rob ran down to watch the second half of their final playoff game. Boys... it's been a great 4 seasons!

Now for the ooshy, gooshy stuff...
Walking around campus each week makes me long to be back in college. I stayed up late and got up early, but I really didn't know tired yet. It was the most social time of my life. There was always someone around to hang out with, talk with, study with. I didn't worry about things like paying bills or making dinner. I went to class and even held a part-time job, but everything just fell into place.
I used to think it was weird when people would say they'd love to go back to high school. But, now I understand... I'd do college over again in a heartbeat.

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