Monday, October 11, 2010

File Folder games

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."

As daughter of a preschool teacher, I've colored and cut out my fair share of file folder games. As we are being encouraged to organize our class in the centers-model, as well as to differentiate our lessons to reach learners with multiple intelligences, I got the bright idea to adapt pre-algebra concepts to the file folder game.

I liked this idea. It's creative. It's hand-on. It's kind of "graphic-designy." However, I've learned some things that I will definitely do differently next time.

  1. Don't make lots of multiples of the exact same game. And, all in one day! However, this time I was glad that I did because I was able to teach the expectations for file folder games in a whole-group setting. Next time, I'll just make one or two for a single concept, so that a small group can work with in during a centers station.
  2. Don't cut out the pictures that get attached to the file folder. This time I taped down each and every question to the file folder. 10 times 6 sets times 2 different games means lots of tape and lots of time. I should have just printed them on an 8.5x11 page layout that could get taped down once!
  3. Don't print in black and white. Although I used some cute graphics, I didn't think about using color to spice it up even more. It will look a lot more fun if it's colorful and has another fun theme.
  4. Buy stock in VELCRO. I went through two packages of this stuff. I just probably just buy it in bulk!


  1. Great games! I bought a couple of packages of stick-on velcro at my teacher store---the best deal I've been able to find anywhere!

  2. P. S. They were large boxes of velcro that will last quite a while.
