Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Keep on climbing

“I’ve learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”

This past weekend we hit the third of the four Canyon Climbers State Parks. Providence Canyon is kind of in the middle of nowhere, so we took an overnight trip--we spent the night in the big ol' metropolis of Eufaula, AL.It was awesome--we ended up hiking about 15 miles around the rim and then down in the canyons.As we hiked we noted the stark differences between "Georgia's Little Grand Canyon" and the real Grand Canyon. While the Arizona canyon is 17 million years ago, made of hard rock, and reaches depths of up to one mile... Providence Canyon is only 150 years old, made of soft clay that brushes away if you touch it, and is only 150 feet. But that smaller scale makes it that much more accessible. And, it's amazing that as the walls of the canyon continue to erode, the landscape will change drastically over the next hundred years. Even now, there were places where the wall (and walkways!) had almost completely given way.


  1. You're back!! Hooray!!! Love the pictures---looks like a great hike!

  2. Umm...that's gorgeous! Who would have guessed that was in Georgia?

    Wish we could still be there with you to be in the Canyon Climbers Club!
