Thursday, April 08, 2010

Go ahead...give me a pocket protector...

"Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics."
-Dean Schlicter

So I've always known I was a bit of a dork, and I'm sure that spending the last eight and a half months in a math class has only magnified the dorkness within. But aren't these cool....

[Awesome photos by Nikki Graziano (she's a photographer and a that's my kind of combination) found via Black Eiffel.]
On a related note, these days Rob always makes me figure the tip at restaurants, since I'm a math teacher and all.
I'm also getting much much better at mental math--Rob used to always tease me about how numbers just didn't stay in my head long enough to compute them. But these days, that's part of my job description.
However, I have to admit...part of me always knew I would be solving equations for the rest of my life. I mean, I am the girl who considered taking Calc III as a free elective her senior year of college! Luckily I was talked out of that!!

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