Thursday, May 08, 2008

A picture's worth a thousand words

“A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.”
-Ansel Adams

Rob and I were married last October, just over 7 months ago. That evening our photographer posted just a couple of photos from the day on his blog. Then over the next week, it was so exciting to see the photos that our guests had uploaded on our Flickr account. And then a couple weeks later we received the digital proofs from the photographer. More than 800 photos to pour over, and over, and over. Then right after Christmas, we ordered photos to print. Our 16x20 canvas portrait is just gorgeous—can’t wait to redecorate our bedroom with that bright blue.

And today… Today I’m bringing home the biggest baby of them all. Our wedding album. It’s been a long road of designing, editing, and then waiting for the album to ship from New Zealand. And today… Today it’s coming home with me. I haven’t told Rob that it’s ready, he’ll be super surprised when he sees it on the coffee table—he’s probably forgotten that it’s even coming. And my mom comes through town tonight, so I know that she’ll be excited to see it in person.

So all of you who won’t be sitting in my living room anytime soon, here’s the electronic version of the layouts—obviously not nearly as much fun as holding the real thing in your lap—but it’s the best I can do.

Read this doc on Scribd: WeddingAlbum

PS: It’s Nurses Appreciation Week and a special hoorah goes out to Ashley, my favorite nurse-in-training! Been thinking about you, should probably sit down and write you an email, or even better pull out my calendar and figure out when we can visit you this summer!


  1. Thanks for thinking about me. This has been a good week, finals are over and I have been catching up on sleep and reading for fun. Yay! Your wedding album looks beautiful. Hopefully I will get to see it in person soon!

  2. I love it! Of course it is MUCH better in person---I got to see it!!!
