Thursday, May 15, 2008

This Weekend, in quotes

"I'm a Tar Heel* born I'm a Tar Heel bred, And when I die I'm a Tar Heel dead."
-"Hark the Song," UNC fight song
*refers to Callie dearest, not me

“I’m sick.”
-Mama (said in the saddest tone ever) at 1:45 am Friday morning when she got out of the car at my apartment

She and Jordan had driven from Louisiana all afternoon, evening, and night, and apparently about halfway through their journey, she was hit by some big, bad bug. Fever, nausea, and all. Luckily Jordan was there to complete the trip. She woke up feeling much better, but popped Advil throughout the rest of the weekend. By the time she got home late Monday night, she was utterly pooped. But we made the best of it!

“And lastly….And lastly…”
-one of the Public Service Scholars, as he tried to summarize his experience at UNC

Friday evening we celebrated Callie’s participation in the Public Service Scholars program at UNC. Although we made fun of the speeches and how they read each person’s bio aloud, it was neat to see how such a wonderful program has really established itself on campus in the last 4 years. And it supported my belief that life today is not necessarily worse off than in previous generations. Those students certainly countered the notion that today’s youth don’t care about anyone but themselves.

“I doubt my mom brought the church directory to the restaurant.”
-Jordan, as we stuffed and addressed envelopes

Hoping to beat the postage rate increase, we spent Friday night, stuffing and stamping wedding invitations. I had designed them, and then brought them printed and assembled to Chapel Hill for the assembly line process. Unfortunately we were missing some addresses, and Jordan’s mom had not carried the directory to the restaurant. However, a great majority of them made it to the post office the next morning to begin their trip across the country.

“I just know, you’re a very important person.”
-an elderly woman at Callie’s Senior Recital, talking to one of my mom’s best friends, Kathy

Callie had quite a large audience for her Senior Recital. Her family (of course) and her friends (from all different organizations that she’s been apart of on campus), some people from the church that she worked at, as well as several of the music professors. Even Kathy and family were able to road trip down to Chapel Hill from Virginia for the afternoon. It was great to see them, and catch up with them over dinner at Brixx. And, yes, Kathy is a very important person. :)

“You can read about it in the program.”
-Chancellor at UNC, at the Commencement ceremony

The ceremony was in the football stadium on Sunday morning. The rain was really coming down; everyone was huddled under umbrellas. The graduates never even sat down. The Chancellor announced that this would be the shortest graduation ceremony in UNC history, and promptly conferred the degrees upon the graduates. He announced that several honorary degrees were awarded, but directed us to the program to learn more about the recipients. It was so funny to watch him flip the pages of the morning’s script to get to the good stuff. Although we were wet and cold, at least we didn’t have to listen to all of the periphery stuff that usually gets said at graduations. Can’t decide which is better.

“Can you tell us what’s in a Foxy Martini?” –Space-cadet waitress at Carino’s who misunderstood Mary Lou’s order of a Vodka Martini
We had some good meals through the weekend (Red Robin and Brixx come to mind), but we also had some less-than-desirable meals as well—and dinner at Carino’s Sunday night was one of them. We were scrunched into the farthest corner of the restaurant, where our waitress promptly forgot about us. She got the drink orders mixed up, she didn’t misunderstood that we wanted another loaf of bread, and the food just wasn’t that great. Happy Mother's Day anyway!

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. We were busy and we were tired, but we actually had a good time doing it all.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha---that sums it up perfectly! the "i'm sick" quote made me sad just reading it.

    and yay for foxy martinis!
