Monday, September 05, 2011

I love a good bike race...

"Sports is human life in microcosm."
-Howard Cosell
When people ask me about our hobbies, I usually reply, "Rob is a cyclist, and me... well, I have a bike." While I may not be pedal to the metal as often (or as fast, or with as much skill) as Rob does, I certainly won't turn down the chance to watch a race. (Strangely enough, I have yet to actually watch Rob race... he's a bit shy about his own events.)

Sunday evening we headed down to Anderson, SC to watch the crit stage of the Tour de LaFrance Labor Day weekend omnium. We arrived during the handcycle race and stayed until the end of the night. (Unfortunately we missed Rob's friend and riding buddy as he cruised to the finish in the Cat 3/4 race. Go Justin!!) The women raced for 60 minutes around the one-km track in downtown, and then just as the sun set, the pro men started their 75-minute race. The peloton stayed together most of the race, but in the last 10 laps (or so), two riders broke away. Unfortunately the rest of the leader's team slowed down the pack so that no one could bridge the gap, and they ended up with a 12-second lead. Not the most exciting finish, but a true testament that cycling requires both individual and team strategies. 

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