Friday, June 17, 2011

Photo Challenge: Day 29

"The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty.  The activist is the man who cleans up the river."
-Ross Perot

Day 29 (06/16/11): A photo with clouds.
Granted this only has one cloud in the sky. But, crazy enough, out of all of the photos I took this week of the boys, this is the only one that had even a hint of a cloud. Guess that's what happens when your subjects are close to the ground. 

Chase offered to take TJ for a walk while I worked in the front yard. After making it several houses down and back, he came back asking if we could go for a walk around the whole neighborhood to pick up litter. A heavy rainstorm the night before had soaked the ground, and left a lot of wet newspapers. As we trekked through the neighborhood, we played "I spy" with newspapers and then tried to guess whether it was "readable" or not. We left the dry ones, but figured that no one was going to sit down with a soggy paper. 

We filled up the stroller basket with wet newspapers and other tidbits of trash. Chase really wanted to save them to show his good deed to his mama, but luckily I was able to convince him that a photo would do the trick, since the garbage collectors were coming the next morning.

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