Saturday, February 12, 2011

I am...

"To the question of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution."
-Joe Cordare

Inspired by the Advisement lesson on Friday at my school, I wrote my own poem.

I am…

I am older daughter, older sister, and [only] wife.
I am Northwest Louisiana, too far north to be Cajun, but not afraid to celebrate Mardi Gras.
I am suburban Georgia, less traffic and less smog.
I am fabric sewn together, scrapbooks pieced together, and stories woven together.
I am a Ramblin’ Wreck from Georgia Tech, but I’m not an engineer.
I am courage in the face of family crisis.
I am a career change to pursue my desire to teach.
I am family reunion vacations at national parks and outdoor destinations.
I am fast food and dinners out on the weekends.
I am steak and mashed potatoes, or just a peanut butter sandwich.
I am Scrabble, Boggle, or any other word game for that matter.
I am straight A’s on report cards, the evidence of hard work.
I am dorm-life and dining hall meal plans all the way through college.
I am Friday night Netflix and curling up on the couch.
I am journals of family stories, albums of family photos.
I am quotes that speak wisdom, humor, and love.
I am the back of the store clearance racks, but only if it’s less than half off.
I am books on cd in the car, the only time I have to read these days.
I am little girls’ smocked dresses, handmade Sunday clothes and always hemmed pants.
I am Pollyanna, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Black Beauty, read aloud before bed.
I am Google Reader and the ingenious NEXT button.
I am a MacBook, with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Firefox all open at the same time.
I am cold oatmeal in the mornings.
I am handbells ringing a tune and feet tapping a rhythm.
I am Coca-Cola… can’t beat the real thing.
I am dreams of my future family.
I am me.


  1. I shared this with my advisement group before having them write their own. A few minutes later I walked back to find that one of my students had added to my list,
    "I am math class.
    I am helping students.
    I am educating young lives."

    Maybe... I am... also making a difference.

  2. Your post, plus the little comment from your student made me teary. You are . . . wonderful!

  3. the poem itself is beautiful! and i LOVE the comment that you shared. that's one of the most special things they could have done!
