Friday, January 14, 2011

Here's what I have been doing...

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
-Maya Angelou

Given that my mom and Valine were able to finish up their "Week In The Life" scrapbooks last weekend at Camp Crop-a-lot, I decided to dedicate yesterday to finishing up my own. In my craft closet, I found a small 4x6 Kolo photo album that I bought on sale several months ago... it is perfect for this mini-book. I designed each page digitally, using Paislee Press's Pictures + Words 2, and will print each page as a photo and slip it into the album.

To get the best deal (and print photos from the last couple of years), I'm ordering from Sam's Club Online, so until then... you can get a sneak peek!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED looking through your Week In The Life book. You did an awesome job with the journaling (not to mention the pics). Funny that all 3 of us got our flu shots that week! You've spoiled me with all these blog posts---I'm going to be wishing for more in weeks to come!
