Sunday, December 05, 2010

the 6th of december...

“Christmas is here: Winds whistle shrill, Icy and chill, Little care we; Little we fear Weather without, Sheltered about The Mahogany Tree.”
-William Makepeace Thackeray

woke up to a blustery, wintery day... enjoyed warm toasted bagels at einstein's... planned lessons for the second-to-last week of school in 2010... lunch at zaxby's... spiced sugar cookie blast at sonic... went on a somewhat successful christmas shopping trip... still stumped on my mother-in-law and my secret santa... brought down the christmas decorations... put up the tree this evening... decorated the dining table... hung the wreath on the front door... set out the nativity... made a christmas list for ourselves... christmas is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Wow- what a productive day! Will you be in Shreveport at Christmas?
