Monday, August 09, 2010

Good, good, good, bummer...

"Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other."
-C.P. Snow

I had a pretty good first day. It flew by, and my voice flew away with it. Obviously it's been a long time since I talked all day. I now sound like a man.

There was only one student who made himself known as "challenge student." I found out that three of my students are younger siblings of students from last year. And, I loved ending my day with my accelerated, on-top-of-the game class.

And the second annual name-counting tradition.... 3 Jacobs (in one class!), 2 Joshs, 2 Gabriels, 2 Stephens, 2 Briannas, 2 Matthews, 2 Victorias, 2 Natalies, 2 Tylers, 2 Caitlin W.'s, and a Jasmin who's a boy.

The low point of the day, however, had nothing to do with students. During my planning period at the end of the day, I realized that my laptop battery was kaput. If I unplugged it from the wall, the computer died. I put in a tech request and got the reply, "you're battery is dead. due to budget cuts we will not be providing additional batteries. you are welcome to purchase your own." Oh... just what I want to spend my first paycheck on...

1 comment:

  1. In what other business would it be your personal responsibility to replace the technology needed to do your job!
