Sunday, August 22, 2010

Butterflies in my stomach...

"You can't wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time."
-Pat Schroeder

I always get really nervous on Sunday evenings. I always have. So nervous that I hurt.

In 3rd grade I remember my mom seeing the pattern of my stomachaches on Sunday evenings and Monday mornings. But I don't remember anything especially stressful going on at school that year.

Then in college when Rob lived an hour away, my heart would ache every Sunday night as he dropped me off back on campus, and we were apart for another week.

And now, after spending yet another weekend working on lesson plans, I worry about the upcoming week. I worry that it won't go as smoothly as it does in my head. I worry about how the kids will do on their first test on Tuesday. I worry that I haven't taught them as well as I could have.

My stomach is in knots. Another Monday approaches...

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