Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Seattle bound

"Vacation used to be a luxury, but in today's world it has become a necessity."
-Author Unknown
"Seattle Space Needle" by Leone Ardo

We're booked! I love posts like this so much. See here. My heart overflows with anticipation and hope, enough to get me through another day, and hopefully through the next 52 days! Rob and I are in much need of vacation.

And vacation we will get. After completing my first year of teaching and then completing my two-week long class this summer, we get to celebrate.... Seattle style.

At this point I'm thinking a couple days in the city, a couple of days at Mt. Rainier, and a couple days at Olympic. Haven't nailed down the particulars yet.

But as of this evening, we've got roundtrip tickets and rental car booked!


  1. Hooray---you both deserve the vacation and will have a great time. Seattle is wonderful!!

  2. ummm...i'm jealous!! that sounds super-fun!
