Saturday, September 19, 2009

And, they say it's the men who forget...

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

So Rob reminded me this afternoon that our wedding anniversary is quickly approaching. In fact, the conversation went like this:

R: So, did we set a price limit on our anniversary gifts for each other yet?
J: What?!?!? Anniversary... crap! I haven't even thought about that.
R: Really? I've been thinking about it for awhile and have lots of ideas!
J: Well, then you set a budget, and I'll come up with something in that range.
R: Ok, how about 1290 dollars?
J: Sure, I think I can fall below that.

And, then my preoccupation with lesson plans quickly transformed into a preoccupation with clever, sweet, romantic, useful gifts for my main man.

The second anniversary tradition is cotton, and considering the fact that my husband works at a cotton mill, it seems like I should be able to come up with something decent. But, darn, if it isn't a challenge to think up a clever gift for a man.

Any ideas? I've got two weeks!


  1. Hmmmmm, that's a tough one!!!
    Cotton hammock,

    This briefcase

    Good luck!!

  2. Jordan's suggestion: cotton balls (oh boy, that certainly makes me look forward to our two-year :)

    Are you trying to make something for him? Anything for your house that he could get excited about (linens, towels)?

    Messenger bag? Jordan was really excited about his, although I don't know what it's made of.

    Can you plan some sort of experience at his workplace, or would that embarrass him?
