Wednesday, July 01, 2009

July means...

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
-Russel Baker

Today is the first day of July. That means...

... 2009 is halfway over.
... Rob's work is crazy busy with shut-down week.
... my sister is now a resident of Georgia--she moved into her new apartment today.
... I've got to find a Fourth of July celebration up here in the 'burbs.
... my mom and uncle stay the week with us next week.
... I need to plan a lovely dinner for my extended family.
... we must schedule a weekend to go hiking again.
... I'll soon reach my 250th Dancing Commas post.
... the time left to find a full-time teaching job is dwindling.
... still have to make it to a baseball game before the season's over.
... it's hot as blazes outside.
... hopefully my tutoring schedule will ramp up before school starts.
... we need to decide if we're going to go to Florida at the end of the month for a final summer fling.
... I must get busy with my summer goals/craft projects.
... I need to get outside to make this tan last a little bit longer.

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