Wednesday, June 17, 2009

25 and still alive

“It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.”
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

And now.... for the big list. The to-do list of things I hope to accomplish this year. [Elise has a great idea to document her own list in a mini-scrapbook. That's my goal, too!] Here's my list:

  1. Bike a 50+ mile ride.
  2. Make our bed more often than not.
  3. Plan and take an awesome vacation.
  4. Get a teaching job.
  5. Plan and host a party at our house.
  6. Learn to like Diet Coke.
  7. Organize a scrapbook of our engagement and wedding preparations.
  8. Switch to reusable feminine hygiene products--maybe TMI, but it's on the list nevertheless.
  9. Take a craft class or workshop.
  10. Learn to effectively use our digital SLR camera.
  11. Start the teacher certification process.
  12. Collect stories from family and friends about my dad.
  13. Organize photos from this year into an album.
  14. Fix up the extra bedroom so that it's cozy for guests.
  15. Write letters and cards to faraway friends and family.
  16. Work on my grandparents' biographies.
  17. Improve my tennis game.
  18. Make the most of the gift of Callie and Jordan living less than 45 minutes away.
  19. Explore Gwinnett County and all it has to offer.
  20. Make 2 new friends.
  21. Join the Georgia State Park Canyon Climbers Club.
  22. Incorporate one new fruit into my weekly menu.
  23. Make something special for my new niece or nephew.
  24. Come up with and stick to some kind of housecleaning routine.
  25. Document this list.


  1. Hey wait a minute---new niece or nephew??? That's got to be Stephanie, right?

  2. unless Callie has something to tell us. but yes, there will be a new baby in the Bunch household at the end of the year!

  3. I found your blog through my Google alerts because I work for Georgia's state parks. Thanks for writing about Tallulah and Canyon Climbers! Just wanted to wish you luck with your to-do list.
