Monday, April 06, 2009

Thoughts for today

"No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head."
-Terry Josephson

Things I pondered as I painted my thrift store finds on the kitchen floor this afternoon:

  • How impatient I am with lengthy craft projects--I think I just get bored. So, yes... the throw pillows that decorate our bed, still have straight pins, not stitches, holding together the final seams.
  • Whether people who preach tolerance should be tolerant of intolerant people.
  • How much I miss Poppy--with my upcoming trip home to Louisiana, I grieve for our steak dinner tradition, not so much for the food as for the conversation, the love, and the normalcy of it.
  • How angry I am about my nephew's "diagnosis".
  • Wondering where I can find a friend in this here new town of ours--we looked at Target the other night, but it might be a little odd to do the whole "Wanna be my friend?" number there.
  • How difficult it is to do the laundry when Rob works nights--just really glad that we don't have little children running around to keep quiet all day.
  • How frustrating it is that over half (that's my estimate!) of the books on CD at the library are a part of a series, but it is impossible to figure out which one is the first.
  • How excited I am for Elise's "Get Crafty" workshop to begin next week--I've been blog-stalking hoping that there will be an update.
  • How I've been dreaming about teaching--if I don't get a job for the fall, even my subconscious will be disappointed.
  • How crazy it is to have a forecast for snow flurries in Georgia in the middle of April.
  • How much I'm craving Mexican food--Mama, I hope TacoMania is on our to-do list this weekend.


  1. I can echo so many of your thoughts!! (of course, not the ones about Rob--haha) After I pick you up, I will have to go to a handbell practice and then I thought the perfect place for dinner would be TacoMania! Callie, wanna' come over?

  2. P. S. You can have Mexican food every night if you help me get this office cleaned up. :-)

  3. We'll be there on Thursday, so I think I will miss TacoMania (at least the first time :)

    I can't wait for you to hang out with you both this weekend!
