Saturday, March 07, 2009

Snow Day

"The Eskimo have 52 names for snow because it is important to them. We should have just as many for love."
-Margaret Atwood

Last weekend a rare snowstorm in Georgia dumped about four inches of snow on our house and our neighborhood. This was the first snow that we've had in our new house--the dusting made everything look so magical.

Inspired by the mini-books of Elise Blaha and Ali Edwards, I decided to use the beautiful images that Rob and I captured to create our own "Snow Day" album. I used scraps that I had around the house and made one quick stop and $3.50 purchase at the Clearance Scrapbook Store (where everything is 50% off).

Although I'm really, really pleased with the result, I've learned that I'm not so good at spontaneous. This "thrown-together" book actually took three evenings of careful scrutiny, organization, and even a mockup in InDesign. (Not that I had anything else to do, since Rob worked nights this week!) However, I wonder if the "experts" go through this same process.

I have an idea for one other mini-book. I've been collecting scraps for this idea as well. Hopefully I'll be able to "throw something together" in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! From what I can tell, you did an awesome job! I had a hard time viewing it on my laptop for some reason, but I assure you that the professionals spend lots of time working on their mini-books, too! Can't wait to see it in person and visit your scrapbook store!
