Sunday, February 08, 2009

There's a museum in my house

"It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet."
-Kojiro Tomita

Been busy this weekend, checking things off of our house to-do list. I touched up the paint in several rooms and hung paintings & pictures around the house, while Rob put the grill back together and cleaned the garage. It's really starting to feel like home. If only, we had a few more pieces of furniture... a set of IKEA Expedit cube shelves for the loft, a coffee table and side tables for the living room, and the Benchwright dining table that Rob and I have fallen head over heels in love with...ok, so I'm dreaming now...

By the way... giving props where props are due... thank you to Rachel Shingleton for the inspiration in the upstairs bathroom. As much as I drool over those awesome San Francisco prints, this time the WPA National Park posters were a bit more our style. I even purchased the big one of the Grand Canyon for the toilet nook.
photo of Rachel Shingleton's bathroom

1 comment:

  1. The pictures look great! Hoping that you can get some of the furniture in storage sometime, if you can use it!
