Sunday, January 04, 2009

First Day of School

"One mark of a great educator is the ability to lead students out to new places where even the educator has never been."
-Thomas Groome

Students come tomorrow. I’ve been buried since Friday in lesson plans and PowerPoint slides. I’ve printed my class rosters and have created seating charts for all six of my classes. Those lists of names were eerily reminiscent of the hours Callie and I spent organizing class lists for our make-believe classes when we were younger. Except now there are really 150 bodies that belong to those names; they are no longer just imaginary kids—they’re real students, and I will be in charge of them tomorrow. I will be setting the rules, teaching lessons, and handing out the discipline. Wish me luck.


  1. You're going to do great!!!! Good luck, though, and I hope everything goes wonderfully! Be sure to call & tell me all about it!

  2. Can't wait to hear about it! You'll do fine! If the class lists remind you of the ones you and Callie made up, I'm kind of wondering about the kids. . . :-)

  3. P.S. I didn't mean to bother you today--I was just hoping you were having a planning hour or lunch break, and I was excited to hear how it was going!
