Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas is in the air

“It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.”
-W. T. Ellis

Photo from Flickr by David Zellaby

Well, I can say that I’ve almost completed my holiday shopping. The only people left are the two relatives that we drew in our family’s 21st century-style “Secret Santa” exchange.
I’ve even got almost all of the gifts wrapped. And about half were delivered when we traveled to Shreveport this past week.

But the house… when am I going to get around to decorating the house? I won’t officially move in until the 18th, and we leave for Florida on the 23rd. Somehow I get the feeling that Rob won’t be too thrilled when we need to unpack boxes and hang blinds this weekend, but all I want to do is decorate the Christmas tree.

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