Friday, September 26, 2008

Mountains and molehills

“Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.”
-Orison Swett Marden

Just when I think things are working themselves out, smack, I’m hit with yet another obstacle. I can’t even celebrate the successes because I’m waiting, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

We were so excited about house-hunting and had a long list of properties to consider…none of them were exactly right.
We found a really good deal on a really nice house (and thought maybe, just maybe, this might be the one)… found out it’s a foreclosure with no opportunity to walk inside, and we’re just not that risky yet.
We fell in love with the historic homes of Charlotte, and thought we just need to find a house, a neighborhood like this…realized that that neighborhood just doesn’t exist in the suburban area where we are looking.
We got some more momentum, finding many more houses that could be possibilities, if only we could drive by them… the gas shortage has us reconsidering our weekend drive up to the suburbs.

Moving to the suburbs is the perfect precipice for changing careers… I’m bombarded with the different options.
Looks like there will be some teaching jobs open in the spring that only require a provisional certificate… not sure if I can teach for a semester and then join the alternative certification process.
My advisor suggests that there might be some permanent substitute positions available for the spring… only they’re in Cobb County—an hour away from our intended location.
A more temporary choice for spring employment is substitute teaching…subbing requires an all-day workshop and references from my current supervisor, neither of which I feel I can conquer right away.
Apparently there is a Masters with certification program at GSU specifically for teachers who are currently teaching—all classes are at night… it’s specifically for teachers with an undergraduate degree in Math, which is not me.
The GSU advisors might be able to work with me on the prerequisites for the Masters program… I’ll have to take at least two upper level Math classes to begin.
I would be certified in three semesters, and then choose whether to continue another year for my Masters… I’ll have to commute into the city several times a week after work, not to mention homework and studying for exams.

What’s a girl to do? I’m trying to get a plan in action, but every time I turn around there’s another obstacle to overcome. Perhaps I’m making mountains out of molehills, but it’s frustrating nevertheless.

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