Monday, August 11, 2008

Sweet shower

"Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain."
-Dave Matthews Band

This weekend the ladies of my church honored bride-to-be, Ashlee, with a bridal shower. Somehow I got roped into planning, and thus decorating for the affair. Inspired by several citrus centerpieces that I’ve seen lately, we planned a citrus theme that coincidentally matched Ashlee’s kitchen colors: yellow, green, and turquoise.
Last week after Jordan posted a beautiful lime centerpiece on her blog, Oh Happy Day, I promised to post pics from my event if it was successful. I wholeheartedly agree with her speculation that the quality of the fruit makes a difference. My efforts weren’t too shabby, considering that my lemons and limes were from Sam’s and unfortunately had to sit in the hot car all day while I was at work. I also stole the idea for the party favors from my sister's wedding. We bought some Mexican sodas in lemon and lime flavors, tied on a cute tag, set them up on the sideboard, and voila!And of course an obligatory photo of some of the guests. These are the "younger" ladies of the church. I'm on the far left, and the bride-to-be is on the far right.

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