Monday, June 02, 2008

Ready, Set, Spike

“The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquished but to have fought well.”
-Pierre de Coubertin

What a sporty weekend we had! We spent most of Saturday at the AVP Crocs tour tournament. Rob loves volleyball—he played in middle school and throughout college intramurals—so I bought the tickets, kind of on a whim. But we totally had a blast!

We got there before any of the matches began, and grabbed some great seats in the main stadium. Throughout the day, we sat enthralled as the best volleyball players in the United States, and even the world, battled each other in the sand. I was so excited to get to see Misty May and Kerri Walsh play around lunchtime. I remember them from the 2004 Olympics. They are just amazing!! And, I would venture that they will dominate the 2008 Olympics as well.

Misty May-Treanor goes after the ball
Kerri Walsh spikes the ball on Kropp and MasonOf course, sitting on metal bleachers in the blazing sun all day left its mark on my shoulders and thighs. I put sunscreen on, but by the time I started to look a little pink, it was already too late. Fortunately, it’s not too bad, just a little souvenir from our fun weekend.
And after watching the tournament, we were in the mood to play ourselves. Luckily, we were able to convince some of Rob's old residents to meet us at the court. Now, I have on-days and off-days when playing sports, but last night I was definitely on!! Even the guys on the other team were commenting on how good I was. Yay!!! After a couple more matches, I just might be Olympics-bound myself. Hey, I can dream!

1 comment:

  1. Hey---glad to have found your sport----I'm still looking for mine!
