Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Cleaning

“Spring cleaning is all about personal satisfaction. It is the time of year that triggers homeowners to revive their home and renew their lives.”
-Peter Walsh

Yesterday after church, we started spring-cleaning. My goal is to forget sentimentality and to simplify. I started with my closet—the innermost sanctum of our little apartment, and therefore where everything gets dropped and forgotten. Many leftover wedding decorations were piling up in there, as well as craft supplies and gifts bought in advance. Rob’s been getting on to me about the black hole in there, so yesterday I went into attack mode.

Closet Before:

I pulled almost everything out into the bedroom, meaning that I had to finish before bedtime. Armed with a can of Coke and some good tunes on the stereo, the overhaul was successful. I threw away a big box of stuff. I have two big boxes for Salvation Army. And even have an empty shelf, ready for when I take on the big Winter-to-Summer clothes switch (it’s cold again this week, so it might be a few weeks before I attempt that).

Closet After:

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